Rimfire Results - Silverdale (Oct)

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Rimfire Results - Silverdale (Oct)

David Dundas

Shorts and T-shirts were the go on Saturday out at Silverdale with a warm morning with overcast skies greeting the shooters. The cloudy skies kept the mirage to a minimum which was great but right on 9am the wind started up, just a slight breeze from right to left at first but it was soon gusting up and even reversing direction waiting to catch the shooters off guard. The conditions did keep the scores a little on the low side but the shooters all did exceptionally well.
There were a few smiles going around with a new Fly shooter in Fred Blacker (Silverdale Senior RO) who bagged himself 4 Flies and finished a very respectable 6 place and Sue Dowell who knocked off her husband Keith again – Well done guys!
I was not going to shoot myself but as a couple of our regulars were away I decided to have a go to make up the numbers, well I am glad I did as I got lucky with the wind and had the best day ever.
I ended up with the best single target of 60.5 and smallest group 0.9975 inches (25.33mm) which is the best target that I have ever shot by a good margin so will be having that target framed up and put it up in the man cave for sure!
While shooting is very much an individual sport It was certainly a great feeling to shoot a good target and to be able to share the moment others on the firing line on Saturday.


1st David Dundas         272.6
2nd John Gilbert           257.6
3rd John Harris            237.3
4th James Sutton         236.4
5th Tricia Stubbs          234.2
6th Fred Blacker           216.4
7th Sue Dowell             215.1
8th Terry Ward             214.1
9th Keith Dowell           207.1
10th Richard Paine     157.2

Our next Fly shoot  will be on the 12th November so put in in your calendar.


Dave Dundas

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Re: Rimfire Results - Silverdale (Oct)

steve eades
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Re: Rimfire Results - Silverdale (Oct)

Les Fraser
In reply to this post by David Dundas
Hi Dave can you send me the spec's for target frames for the Rimfire to get more shooters at the range shooting this discipline.

Also have you a scheduled working bee day. Or do you an i work on it.  

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Rimfire Results - Silverdale (Oct)

David Dundas
Hi Les

One of the rimfire shooters should have the dimensions for the frames, but if not I will measure them up when out at Silverdale next.
I will enquire with range manager Andy about getting some timber (may already have some) for the job, I still have some backing boards left over from the last build.
Would be great to get two more frames which would take us upto 24 shooters, will keep you posted.

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Re: Rimfire Results - Silverdale (Oct)

Les Fraser
Hi Dave i am off for the next month attending shoots but there are days i can come to Silverdale and build the targets to assist.
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........