Rules for LG stock dimensions

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Rules for LG stock dimensions

Deane Thrower

Just wanted to clarify I am reading the rules correct, that LG stocks are not restricted dimensionally in any way. By this I mean we are not restricted to a 3" fore end etc.

As I read the rules effectively LG and HG are the same except for a 17lb limit for LG, aside from that there is no other restriction between classes?


Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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Re: Rules for LG stock dimensions

Paul D
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Re: Rules for LG stock dimensions

Deane Thrower

Thanks mate, I have no idea why I thought we were limited to 3" forends. Thanks for clearing it up.

Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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Re: Rules for LG stock dimensions

Anthony Hall
Hi Mate,

Paul is correct.  Short range has restrictions and also restrictions on angle of the rear taper etc.... This applies to IBS rimfire as well as SSAA benchrest for short range in centrefire as well as rimfire.

Fly allows any shape stock that is legal at the range......

The weight limit and the rests are the only limiting factor.  But you could theoretically shoot a 15" wide light gun if you could keep it to 17lb and have a front sand bag wide enough to accommodate it......


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Re: Rules for LG stock dimensions

Michael Bell
Along a similar theme to Deane's post re rules and their meanings…..I was of the understanding that if a wind flag gets blown over or out of shape in some way it wasn't within the rules to fix it, i.e. it had to stay that way for the duration of the match.

Having read & re read the rules, rule 7.11.4  ( bench rest Group rule book ) states that no one other than a tournament official may reposition wind indicators, suggesting that as long as permission is given and presumably during a target change, in fact flags can re repositioned!

Last weekend at Little River I was surprised at the number of flags that stayed erect but there was still quite a few left lying on the ground due to the tornado we were shooting in. Would have been handy for some to be able to fix their flags.

Am I reading the rules correctly? If not should we have a specific rule within the 500 fly section allowing for the adjustment of flags if they get blown over? After all, our flags are significantly different from short range setups in that they can be on poles up to 6 meters tall.

Obviously there would need to be conditions, the main one being the errant flag needs to be adjusted in the time it takes to change targets so that the match is not slowed down by the process.

Just a suggestion


ps, I can proudly state that my line of flags managed to stay beautifully erect throughout the entire match, only because I employed a common technique the Vics nearly always use which is to tape the vanes and tails so they stay put…..Umm...Now that I think of it maybe that's all we need to do!
Michael Bell