Short Range Benchrest Shooting.

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Short Range Benchrest Shooting.

Les Fraser
I would encourage all fly shooters to try and shoot at least one short range match in your state. The tremendous learning experience from shooting a short range match cannot be under estimated. Setting your bags rest and rifle handling is really tested in this sport and can only strengthen fundamentals for the fly.

The issue of getting new shooters to sport is being talked about in almost every disciplines but the fact of the matter is you only get new shooters from other shooting sports or friends relatives of current shooters.

The age group of new shooters are the 35 to 40yr old group who now have some time to themselves and their children are of the age where they can share something with mum or dad.

Rifle shooting is an exciting sport to participate in but boring as to watch.

I cannot highlight the benefits of range time.

Short range bench rest will:

Enhance your set up of rest and bags (you have to move every detail)
Identify your rifle handling skills pertaining to grip, trigger release, recoil, and follow through.
develop a system of shooting the match and developing a match plan these elements are critical to shooting in precision sports.

Effects of even the most smallest of condition changes on your fall of shot.
Alert you to watching and picking when to shoot in weather condition cycles.

I would encourage all of you to give it a go. You can shoot out of class if you just want to attend a match before deciding to undertake the sport.

Give it some thought.

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Short Range Benchrest Shooting.

Deane Thrower
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I have been thinking about this for a while, and I am certainly interested in giving short range group shooting a go. Having read a few books and watched YouTube videos it looks like good fun, and lets be honest we all want to shoot that small group, and they don't get any smaller then the 100 yard guys.

Count me in

Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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Re: Short Range Benchrest Shooting.

Andy Prowse
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Please submit my appologies for the shoot. I will be running the first practice round on a range new to Fly at Windamere Regional Complex - about 80km North of Lithgow.

I hope all those who attend the short range shoot do well & learn from the experience.

edited: 13/4/16.
Apologies, I just realised I have posted in the wrong Subject. This was meant for the Wagga short range BR Subject.
I will copy & paste to rectify.