Stock selection

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Stock selection

Greg Hughes
Has anyone had any experience with Hatchers rifle stocks ? I am getting my rifle re-barreled in 260 Remington and thanks to the help from those who posted have settled on a Nightforce scope. Next I am looking at upgrading stocks. A friend has ordered one of these for his rifle so I was quite curious to see if anyone had any experience with them. I was looking at the standard thumb hole with wide fore end.  

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Stock selection

Cameron Starr
I have seen a few as I was going to get on myself before I brought a completed rifle.
He is very good but they do require finishing sanding etc and inlets touched up to suit.
Other wise a good price and a nice bloke in general.

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Re: Stock selection

John 23 Harris
Gday .

I have a duplicating machine and am working on a new design suited to lr benchrest , fclass fly light rifle .

Shoot me a email to if you would like some pictures
