The Perfect Fly rifle

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Re: The Perfect Fly rifle

Sebastian Lambang
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Hi Pete,

I'm just experimenting with (trying to have) a "one does it all" gun....i.e. using the same action & stock.
My switch barrel-switch caliber budget gun (6ppc & .284win) is not dedicated for the Flyshoot only but either for the short range & long range. Will use it (primarily) for the next WBC 2013 in Sidney. But would like to try the Fclass & 1,000 yds match in the future too. Just because I always eager to learn & have new experiences!

Re: my choice for 7mm cal.....that's "based on" (with "...") the ballistic & its performance I was reading from the internet/shooting forums. Also "based on" (with"...") my very few experience at Madden range (just 3 x), the bigger cal/hole helped me to determine the hold of...especially for / after the first round on the target.
I chose the .284win for the long range because my bolt head is .473" and I was told it's easy to tune. Fortunately David Kerr (the gunsmith) has the reamer in hand. So that's it!
Re: barrel's just because several friends in the US suggested me to use long barrel for 1.000yds & F-class match. I know nothing about velocity etc as I don't have a chronograph myself.
You know that I'm not an expert in anyway, I'm just a newbie and always consider myself as a newbie.

Luckily the gun works very well for me. (top 10 for 2-guns at the Madden last Nov, #2 for the Fly).
That's a very good result for me/ for my standard, especially with the LV/HV. Never "that good" before.
I do believe it's because the gun & configurations! not the driver.
*Not enough load development time for the 100/200, no load development at all for the Fly. This gun just shoots.

Will also try the gun for HG match when I have chance.

Best Wishes,