Victoria Gun Law Update

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Victoria Gun Law Update

Glen Aarsen
If you haven't read about the changes...
Police Minister Lisa Neville recently announced that Victoria put a temporary ban on additional access to firearms and ammunition for recreation and sporting shooters.
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Re: Victoria Gun Law Update

stuart veal
Yes the reasons they gave for the current limitations were completely unfounded.
They stated that there has been an increase in licence and PTA applications due to the covid19 issue... Which is NOT the case at all and is absolute rubbish!!!
Look at the stats for the same time every year,
This has always been the busiest time of year for Licensing due to the duck opening season with new hunters wanting to get their licence, new firearms and ammunition to kick off the season, their own statistics prove this.

The garbage that has been fed to the general public regarding stockpiling firearms and ammunition from the political parties and police is just a way of getting that extra step closer to disarmament of law abiding citizens.