Wagga Fly - 2nd & 3rd April - Note 500 is Saturday Now

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Wagga Fly - 2nd & 3rd April - Note 500 is Saturday Now

Anthony Hall
Hi All,
See attached / below details of the Wagga fly as supplied by Don.

Word version here Fly_-_April_2016.doc
PDF version here Fly_-_April_2016_wagga.pdf



Saturday 2nd  & Sunday 3rd  April


Saturday 9.00am start– 500m fly (light & heavy gun - may shoot both classes). This is a registered match
Cost $50 for 1 class $40 for second class.

Sunday 8.30am start- 300m Fly (custom  & factory classes – may shoot both classes)
Cost $30 for 1 class $10 for second class.

Juniors half price both days.

Range open from 12 noon Friday to set up flags and practice.

Awards for 1st to 3rd each day for each class and junior plus awards for three best  aggs over the two days. Top gun over the two days will receive 100 Lapua cases.
If entries exceed the capacity of the range shooters will be limited to one class.
If you shoot both days your name will go into the draw for a Maddco barrel of your choice supplied by ProCal Trading
 Must be present at drawing to win.
Camping available on range

For more information or to nominate contact:  
Don EWIN  email:  donbruce8@bigpond.com or 02 69263757.  Nominations will be accepted on the day if there is still space available, however nominations on the day may not be able to share flags or equipment.  
Please state if sharing or if left handed.
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Re: Wagga Fly - 2nd & 3rd April - Note 500 is Saturday Now

chappo (Greg Chapman)
Thanks Anthony, just jumped on to do this and you already have it done.


1. 500m is now on SATURDAY ( as you say)
2. Daylight savings ends at 3am Sunday morning so those shooting the 300m on Sunday need to adjust watches or they will be an hour late.

cheers mate.


Look forward to seeing everyone there.
"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen
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Re: Wagga Fly - 2nd & 3rd April - Note 500 is Saturday Now

Deane Thrower
In regards to day light savings, if you don't reset the time won't you be an hour early, not late?
Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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Re: Wagga Fly - 2nd & 3rd April - Note 500 is Saturday Now

Anthony Hall
Yep, those that forget to change their clocks will enjoy more time at the range before the shoot on Sunday Morning :)

Those that wind their clocks the wrong way will have two hours up their sleeve.

Breaky on the BBQ maybe.

