Wagga Fly Results

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Wagga Fly Results

Anthony Hall
Hi All,

Looks like another good weekend of Fly Shooting in Wagga.  I have attached full results in both versions of Excel.

Well done to all the winners !!

Maybe someone who was there can post a match report to go along with the results.


Anthony Hall

PS Wish I was able to be there.... but the cricket world cup final was good as well....
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Re: Wagga Fly Results

Michael Bell
Wow!! Looks like Wagga was pulvarized by some good shooting...6 scores over 250....it was very tight at the top of the leader board.
Congrats to Paul (heavy & outright) & Grant (light) for great wins.
Looks like Les had a fantastic time with 14 fly's @ 300 on Saturday & a second in light gun on Sunday. Tyson also with 7 fly's....great shooting.

Little River next!

Michael Bell
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Re: Wagga Fly Results

Les Fraser
A great weekend at Wagga SSAA, both days were wonderful weather both for shooting and for just sitting around having a gas bag. (gun talk)

Saturday was very relaxed with numbers down a little the atmosphere was wonderful people just had a no stress shoot with lots of good scoring.

Mirrage played games with everyone, one minute you could see bullet holes the next no chance. I must say that the factory class has some very classy rigs with truck axle barrels. There was some chatter that perhaps a HV class is a better discription but as it is Wagga's call after all.

The custom class was as always hotly contested with some first class gear on the line for the trophy.

Sunday was a mixed bag of conditions with varying degree's of ability to see the target, which was the same for all of us.
The entire shoot come down to the last target and everyone was a buzz with checking targets and discussing tactics.

Some very formitable teams are about now with nick and tyson, paul and grant teaming up for shoots i think this is a great way to get the most out of both persons experience.

I gave some shot's out of the big red rifle (300ack) to some new shooters on the line and i think they may have the bug so hopefully we can keep them.

Wagga SSAA put on a great shoot and as it the case every year we leave saying (what the f*&^%$) about the conditions at 500m as they are so unpredictable.

Current shooters please remember if there are new people standing around and you are in your warmer target offer them a shot you just never know they may be the next rifle on the line and we all enjoy this sport but longevity requires new shooters all the time.

Oh and Congratulations to all the winners of the many classes the top 5 shooters on both days had to consistantly shoot reasonable scores to place.

PS Buttsy hope you are not to badly injured after your fall over on the line.

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........