Wagga Fly Shoot Results

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Wagga Fly Shoot Results

Anthony Hall
Hi All,

Was a great weekend in Wagga once again !! Well done to the club on a well run event, target crew was fantastic, the scorers and data entry team worked well and the atmosphere was first class.

Full results in excel format are here... see the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet for all the classes etc

Click this link Published_Results.xls

Some great results were shot, starting with Sundays first ever daytime 60.5 at 300m by Lee-Ann Van Meurs and Roy Gow got small group with a 0.651".

First place in custom class at 300m went to Rob Halloran with 294.06, with LVM & Roy gow taking 2nd and third respectively.

Factory class was won by Les Fraser with the last events wooden spoon taker.... His Rem 700 "Crow Gun" in 22-250 shot off a Bi Pod took first place with 264.06..... 2nd place went to PVM with his savage 6BR and third was Anthony Hall with a .308.

Sunday's 500m Fly event had some great results including Paul Read's potential new Australian Record small group in heavy gun at 0.95x" beating PVM historic 0.960 (before current records).  This should become the first official sub 1" group for SSAA Heavy Gun Fly in Australia. Paul Read went on to win Heavy gun with 271.02 from Michael Bell in 2nd and LVM making up the top three

Light gun was won by Anthony Hall with 260.03, with Grant Groves and Michael Bell in 2nd and third.

Small groups & best targets are at the bottom of each classes results.

I will post the updated SOTY results separately.


Anthony Hall
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Re: Wagga Fly Shoot Results

Peter Merriman
Hi Anthony

Is there an equipment list from the Wagga Fly?

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Re: Wagga Fly Shoot Results

Anthony Hall
Hi Peter,

I will chase Don up and see where it is up to.....

Equipment Lists is a Job that we would dearly love a volunteer for !!

On its own, it is fairly easy.... Ask people to fill in their details on the benchdraw, chase those that haven't towards the end of the day..... then knock it up in excel format to for posting on the web site...

But when you add it to the match organizers tasks which include getting the matches registered, collecting nominations, working out all the share requests, doing the bench draw..... arranging targets, patches & trophies..... getting the range prepared for the shoot, getting target crew & scorers lined up..... then running the shoot all weekend and getting results posted accurately and quickly...... Trust me... the equipment list is the last thing that there is time or energy left for.

It would be great to see someone take on this task at every shoot.


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Re: Wagga Fly Shoot Results

Peter Merriman
Hi Anthony

I will not get to all of the FLY shoots around the country but am willing to put the equipment list together at any of the shoots I attend.
I will discuss this with Dave re the Canberra shoot and we can go from there.
