Wagga Riverena Fly August 2015 - Results

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Wagga Riverena Fly August 2015 - Results

Anthony Hall
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Hi All,

A big weekend of Fly Shooting has concluded with some new pending Australian records and a great event for the Wagga SSAA.
Here are full results for all classes in both Excel formats.

Saturday was Factory & Custom 300m.
There was a great line up on Juniors at this event.
First Place at 300m went to Tyler Chapman with 264.05, 2nd Place was Brandon Guglemino with 253.03 and third was Jemma Habermann with 242.02.
First place at 500m went to Kirra Deehan, with Brandon Guglemino & Tyler Chapman taking 2nd & third.

Factory Class - 300m
Well done to Rob Valeri for the win with 242.03, Daniel Taylor took second with 239.03, Anthony Hall was one point behind taking out third place.  Small Group went to Daniel Taylor and Rob Valeri took best target.

Custom Class - 300m
Well done to Nick Aagren for the win, Cameron Starr earned his first podium finish with second and Barry Tucker rounded out the top three.  Peter Merriman shot the best target with a 60.4 and Barry Tucker won small group with a 0.562" group.

Sunday was the 500m Registered Match.  With thick fog delaying the commencement until just after 10.00am... it was a fantastic effort to have the last shot fired just before 3.30pm !! Well done to the club !!   There were some fantastic results including Tracey Deehan's pending new Australian Record small group in Light Gun at 0.969" and Les Fraser's pending new high score aggregate at 276.02.

Light Gun - 500m
Won by Les Fraser with a staggering 276.02, 21 points clear of Michael Bell in 2nd and Bob Wright taking third place.  Tracey Deehan's impressive 0.96x" smashed small group and Les Fraser took best target with 59 points.

Heavy Gun - 500m
A great win by Russell Lemaitre with 259.03, Nick Aagren & Michael Bell took 2nd and third respectively.  Barry Tucker cleaned up both small group and Best Target.

