Wagga Update

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Wagga Update

Pete van Meurs
Banned User
Hi All,

I had the opportunity over the New Year break to visit the Wagga range with Don Ewin and examine progress in terms of re-opening the range. Firstly I should point out that this will be a step by step process. The first priority is to get it up and running for general shooting out to 200 yards. A part of this is to raise the bank behind the 200 yard line and this is fairly much complete. The next step is to construct 'bullet proof' baffles in front of the firing line. The design of these is to be based on the successful baffles recently installed at the Silverdale range. In essence these consist of boxes made from 19mm ply with a 100mm space fore and aft filled with crushed rock. In testing at Silverdale this was able to fully contain a shot from a 375 H&H magnum. Granted there is likely be something out there in the way of a sporting cartridge that may penetrate, however what comes out the far side would be shrapnel with no chance of travelling very far. In the event that some fool manages to discharge a shot with his barrel raised these baffles will negate the need for a 2km (or so) fall-out zone.
Don suggested that these baffles should be single units in front of each bench in order to make them manageable. By suspending them on chains they can easily be raised for use at 500mt once further work is completed. I was told that tenders for the construction of said baffles would be called for early in the new year. All going well the range could be back in use to 200 by mid-year.
Now the real work starts! In order to get 300 and 500 running again a wall consisting of large concrete blocks must be built at 500mt to a height exceeding the current dirt bank by 2 to 3 metres to serve as a 'stop butt'. This is an enormous undertaking; as is the necessity of covering all exposed rock with 300mm of soil. It is hoped that some sort of financial assistance may be forth-coming from funds promised by the NSW government to 'make shooting safer'. Once this is completed the baffles can be raised to suit  500mt and consequently 300 as well. Don was hopeful that we may be shooting fly matches again in 12 months or so. This may be a little optimistic but I hope he is right!
Another issue that Don raised was the possibility of a calibre limit or perhaps a muzzle energy limit needing to be introduced. You certainly need not bring along your 50BMG, 416 Barrett etc.
It is certainly a credit to the Wagga branch that they are prepared to tackle such a major task otherwise the facility would remain as it is at present - limited to shotguns and air rifles.
As and when further news comes to hand I will keep you posted.
