Wind flags

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Wind flags

Curtley Ambrose
Howdy y'all ,

I recently purchased a set of Barry Edgley wind flags, however I have noted that in there current configuration that they are probably only good for 200 yards and therefore need to acquire some allow tubing to attain the correct height for 500 Fly.

I would like to know what length of aluminium tubing do I need and what are people using and how many lengths and what diameter. I would also like to know if anyone has found a method for telescoping the extension tubes?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Wind flags

Michael Bell
Hi Curtley,

Back in May, Deane Thrower started a thread on this exact subject. Best idea is to have a close look at some of the setups at a match and go from there.

Michael Bell
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Re: Wind flags

Curtley Ambrose
G'day Belly,

Thanks for the reply. I''ll have another look at the next shoot. I must have spent half a day in Bunnings looking for adequate hose clamps and aluminium tube.