neck turning measuring tools

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neck turning measuring tools

Stuart Pethy
hey guys
after the nationals i'm going to be prepping my cases a bit more than i have been to help me improve my shooting
currently doing bugger all case prep for my 6BR atm
one thing i want to do it turn my necks but i will only be cleaning them up as i run a .272 no turn neck so not to much off
already have the KM cutter and bits
i have been looking at tools to measure the thickness of my necks (vernier calipers not the most accurate way of doing it) and am finding it hard to find anything in stock and what is good and whats not
what do you guys use and where did you get them from

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Re: neck turning measuring tools

Stuart Elliott
IMO the best way is by using a proper wall thickness micrometer. Measurements should or need to accurately be to the ten thou (0.0001"). Like any precision instrument it needs practice and care to develop a consistent operating technique.

We have them in stock by Mitutoyo. The K&M guys and ourselves get these modified in batches by Mitutoyo where the anvil has a bevel ground so you can read neck wall thickness down to the shoulder junction if you want. There is a slight ball shape on the cross pin (out of view in this photo).
Not cheap unfortunately but we don't find any other way that is as good. Mitutoyo tools are top shelf. Buy once, own for life. I still use many Mitutoyo tools which I purchased in the 1970's.

Every shot pleases somebody..........
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Re: neck turning measuring tools

Stuart Pethy
thanks Stuart will have to look into one but i just spent a bit at your shop haha so i will have to save some pennies for it
not cheap but it will last
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Re: neck turning measuring tools

Deane Thrower

Accuracy certainly isn't cheap, the way I look at it is buy one cry once lol.
Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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Re: neck turning measuring tools

Stuart Pethy
haha yep I've figured that one out the hard way
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Re: neck turning measuring tools

Kevin Speer
In reply to this post by Stuart Elliott
Hi Stuart, Buy yourself a tube micrometer. Cheers Kevin
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Re: neck turning measuring tools

Jason Rushton
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Stuart Pethy
Hey Stuart,

I don't do much case prep for my BR either, Lapua brass no turn 272 neck just load and shoot..
Using a decent set of BRT wind flags or equivalent every time you shoot may also be helpful if you want to improve on accuracy.

