scope for the loan gun wanted

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scope for the loan gun wanted

Les Fraser
Hi fellow shooters the loan rifle had it's first voyage with great success the shooter managed a 55.3 with the rifle so thats pretty good i think.

I would like to ask if anyone has a better scope than the one i have on it which is a counter sniper. It is ok for those who are learning and can shoot well but the person who loaned the rifle this time prefered to put his own nightforce on it which is fine. I had spare ammunition for him to sight it in but in the future this will not be the case there will be 50 loaded rounds and that is it.

So if there is a nightforce or weaver t36 or leupold in good condition out there that would like a home on the loan gun then please contact me.

Remember this rifle provides a service to you all for those who just didn't get the time to reload or is between rifle builds at the time of competition then there is the option available.

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........