tassie shoot

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tassie shoot

Steve Clark
Hi to all .I am a novice at this so please bear with me .I live in tassie and now that i have retired  and on the wrong side of 60 I do less walking [hunting] and more laying over my rifles [targets.] I enjoy trying to swat flys at 500 mtrs. trying to get my brain around building a dedicated rifle for same. I have been following the forums for a couple of years and decided to have a go at writing [very hard for a single finger player. ] Anyway getting back to the main reason for all this, I only live about 35 min/ts from campbell town range and have a spare bed or two if anyone is interested. Figers getting tired thats all for now . Regards Steve.
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Re: tassie shoot

Nick Aagren
G'day Steve

Good to hear from you. Are there a few of you fly shooting at the Campbell Town range and how did you come across fly shooting? What distances can you shoot there?

Keep us posted with developments on your fly rifle project.

Anyone interested in travelling between the mainland and Tassie by the ferry must fill in a declaration form and follow this process:
"All firearms / ammunition must be surrendered to TT-Line Company Pty Ltd (TT-Line) on arrival and
carried in TT-Line provided gun safes. Passengers with firearms are requested to check in at the
TT-Line Terminal two hours prior to departure time to allow sufficient time for processing. All
firearms will be surrendered at the screening point prior to boarding and loaded into the safe by
passengers at their own risk."

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Re: tassie shoot

Steve Clark
Hi Nick,   I always got great satisfaction pulling of those long shots [doping wind and movemant etc ] so i joined  our local ARMS. COLLECTER. GUILD. what shoots 500 fly 4 times a year. We also shoot aur military rifles in diff comps as well.I also am a member of S.S.A.A.and shoot in a lot of their comps. The range at Campbell Town can shoot out to 1200. yds.As for transporting fire arms across" the ditch" on the ferry what you wrote is spot on. I have travelled back and forth on hunting trips many times over the last 10 years or so and have found them to be mostly very polite when handling my firearms. How many shooting 500 fly at Campbell tn ? I do not know. A big 3 day shoot like this I hope many.   Steve.