new Bloke from Perth saying Hi

Posted by Stuart Pethy on

Hi Guys and Girls
found your web site about 6 months ago but I'm a bit slow to join up

thought I'd jump on and introduce myself
I'm from Perth WA but a country boy from Narrogin, I now work FIFO so it was easier to base myself there.

I got into fly shooting a few years ago at Perth field Rifle club but they only have a 400m range but I was hooked
I now also shoot at Perth Rifle Metallic Silhouette Club (PRMSC) as they have a shoot every 2nd weekend and a 500m range
I started with my weatherby vanguard 243 and quickly learned it need a few upgrades as it was just my hunting rig for the farm
over the next few years I changed scopes, barrels, triggers etc and ended up with a gun the did alright, could do 2" groups when I did my bit but highest score was only 205.2, (I'm still learning to read wind, gets me every time)
after a year I had worn out the 243 barrel and decided a change was needed,
I went and saw Dave Kerr here in WA and got a 30" 1;8 twist Krieger fitted in 6BR
I did some load testing and up using 29.5gr of reloader 15 with my 105gr berger hunting vlds
I seated them .010 jam into the lands and went off to my 1st fly shoot with the 6BR
turned out to be a great day with my 1st win with a score of 225.4, my best group of 1.9", my best round of 55.2
I was a happy boy but since then I have done 2 other shoots and the wind and mirage has killed me and something I really need to work on
another problem was I hadn't had time to finish my load testing, as the FIFO work and the renos we are doing on our house have kept me busy,
 but I got out last week and found my .010 jam wasn't the best seating position
got great results with .050 and .020 jump with my bergers . I have made up a few and will test at the next fly shoot this weekend and decide which one I will use

just a pic of my set up
weatherby vanguard 6BR, XLR Industries chassis, Nightforce NSX 12-42x56, Rifle basix WTHBY-V trigger, Krieger 30" 1;8 barrel, 29.5gr of RL 15 with 105gr Berger hunting vlds (have 1500 105gr Berger Hybrids coming to try out)

I have started to look for a new front rest , the Bald Eagle Slingshot does a good job but a joystick one is what I'm after now after trying out my mates Farley, just wish Seb neo and Farley weren't so expensive

hoping to get a few more tips and learn a heap more to make me a better shooter while I'm here