Posted by Dave Purcell on

Nick Aagren wrote
To find out exactly what has been proposed to the National Benchrest Committee regarding fly rule changes, the question was recently put to Dave Billinghurst National Benchrest Chairman.

With the exception of the open ended discussion of the introduction of Hall of Fame for the fly are there any other formal proposals regarding the Fly rules currently before the committee?

The answer from Dave was:  "I have no agenda items from Victoria Re rules changed for Fly Shooting."

Peter has his personal views on determining match winners and HOF which we are all aware of. That is all they are his personal views. He is also well aware of his role as delegate which is an obligation to represent the VIC shooters. It then follows his personal views take a back seat if they are in conflict with the majority vote of VIC fly/benchrest shooters.

Peter or VIC Fly shooters have NOT proposed any changed to the Fly rules.

Hey Nick
I have read your post again and determined that it is very  non committal and really in retrospect and based on my knowledge of how shit happens at committee I am not convinced at all of its integrity as a statement.
You have framed the question and response either intentionally or accidently  to be open ended and to answer nothing.
Your use of the terms "formal proposals regarding the Fly Rules" does not suggest that informal proposals are not being pushed behind closed doors and further your published response from Dave Billinghurst of "no agenda items" is also a  clever way of saying nothing.
If I was a smart fellow I would think that people are wording things in ways to pacify the populace whilst continuing on there merry way doing as they please.
Now I don't know you so I cant make any assessment of your moral standards nor Mr Billinghurst's for that matter so I will at this point say that I can only assume you both speak in good faith.
If Mr Billinghurst was actually interested in the Fly shoot I would expect him to make a concrete statement which clears the air (that's called LEADERSHIP in case anyone was unsure) I would also expect any other delegate such as yourself Nick to make clear , open and concrete statements  to again clear the air.
Sadly I don't see that happening.
Perhaps yourself, Mr Billinghurst or other attendanees from the meeting at Monarto could state factually what was raised and by whom again in the spirit of open and honest communication with your members.
Now as to Peter Van putting his personal opinions aside and representing the Vic shooters opinion which I am sure applies to yourself as well. Can you tell me what meetings or discussions have been had and what the result was ie what is the opinion of Vic Fly shooters please note I said Fly shooters not BR shooters or SSAA members but actual Fly shooters which is being represented.
I would be interested in what the NSW delegates are representing and who they have discussed anything with from the actual NSW Fly shooting fraternity as well

Hopefully your responses will clear a lot of this up.