Posted by John 23 Harris on

Can a light gun be used in the heavy gun event ?

I certainly don't have the budget to even consider heavy gun.

Do I tell the wife and kids there is no family holiday this year as I will need a 7mm rem ultra  magnum heavy gun  to be a part of the  sport.

I have only recently developed a interest in the fly matches attending daves 200m Silverdale events .
I have just put together a 6br to use in light gun and hopefully get to the Mudgee and baitmans bay events .

If these rules happen I might as well return to laying on my belly and shoot fclass.
I have been so refreshed with the unity in the 200m fly matches .
It's a group of shooters that simply shoot and enjoy the game .

If  split communities and BS politics is on the adjenda shooters might as well shoot fopen as it will be the same atmosphere but with a lot more clubs and range facilities.

I hope the powers that want to change the rules  consider that they are potentially making the sport less assessable to those who are not spending their superannuation funds , on large pay packets or the ones who have family's that can not neglect everything to participate in a sport that ironically makes mention to "having fun" in the rules ...

K.I.S.S and leave things alone