wagga wagga range closed

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wagga wagga range closed

just herd some disturbing news ,,wagga wagga closed,,,and batemans bay in there sights again,,,i hope this iz just rummers but i dont think so,,,sad times r cumming,,
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Re: wagga wagga range closed

Anthony Hall
Hi Jacko,

I can't speak for Wagga.... But things are good at Batemans Bay....  Rick and I spent a few hours out there yesterday building new target frames in preperation for our 300m fly in a few weeks.

Was a bit cold and wet.... but other than that things are good out there, we have had no problems with Range Inspectors that I am aware of ?

I hope it is just rumours !!


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Re: wagga wagga range closed

Anthony Hall
SSAA Wagga's web site confirms what Jacko Says about WAGGA Range....!!

Why..... What happened ?


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Re: wagga wagga range closed

Anthony Hall
Apparently there is an issue with walking tracks in the danger / fall out zone.  The new Range inspector determined that it is a problem and the Range is therefore closed down to all rifle shooting.

I would assume that there is a process to go through now and the fate of the range will hinge on the results of this process...

Lets hope that common sense prevails.... there are hundreds of thousands of acres available around Wagga for walking tracks..... and very few rifle ranges......

Maybe someone from Wagga can keep us up to date as it progresses..... I certainly hope they are able to sort it out, it is a great club and a fantastic facility, it would be very sad indeed to lose it !!



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Re: wagga wagga range closed

Les Fraser
I am sure  all will help of we can Wagga but you will have to keep us in the loop. This type of closure effects us all in one way or another what range next. Have you thought about a firing point baffle like Silverdale you have a great angle on the range to facilitate this this may reduce your danger zone to the rear of the range. Just a thought
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........