300m Matches

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300m Matches

Les Fraser
Just seeking some discussion from fly shooters what they think of 300m matches being a registered match. Personally i think it would take away from the premier match of the 500m fly. The 300 hundred matches are at the host clubs discretion on how it is run and shot.

Your thoughts.
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: 300m Matches

Stuart Pethy
yeah I think 300m matches should be kept as fun club stuff and the 500m as registered matches
its a good way of getting people in to try it and have a go, and if they like it they can step up to the 500m stuff

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Re: 300m Matches

john mc quire
In reply to this post by Les Fraser
Hi Les  i also think that the 300 fly shoot should be left  as an introductory and fun shoot  -- and leave the 500 fly as the main event  --   john mc
  Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT
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Re: 300m Matches

max coady
In reply to this post by Les Fraser
To have a 300m registered match, all the ranges will have to change their rules, as every 300 shoot that I know off, has a different classes of rifles. the rule book only recognises Heavy, and Custom, and rim fire.
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Re: 300m Matches

Michael Bell
     I love 300 meter shooting, it's intensely competitive with the top 10 places often separated by only a few points.
There is a sense that it's easier than the 500, most likely because we can nearly always see our bullet holes but the relative closeness of the scores actually means that it's not easier....might even be harder!

At the moment clubs can do what they like with the 300 because it's not a registered event....this represents an opportunity to have a play with the rules, experiment a little ( if that's what people want ).

For example, why do they have to be 5 shot targets, why not 8 or 10? Why do we allow 3 sighters, why not 2 or 4 or 6?
Could the time be reduced to 5 mins or increased to 10? ( for each relay).
Imagine a 3 min, 10 shot relay with 4 sighters!!!! That would force us to get them off and actually shoot in different conditions because we might not have time to wait for the conditions to settle!

I guess my point is that we are only limited by our imaginations as we are not bound by the rule book!

Good topic to chat about & I acknowledge Paul D's previous thread started back in 2011.

Michael Bell