Hi All,
SSAA (ACT) is hosting the BRT Federal Cup Venue: SSAA ACT Majura Shooting Complex, Jim McKinley Range Schedule of Events: Saturday 10 March 2018 BRT Federal Cup 500m Fly Shoot sponsored by BRT Shooters Supply Includes: Optional Warmer target, 5 targets to score. Sunday 11 March 2018 200y Rimfire Fly Shoot Includes: Optional Warmer target, 5 targets to score. Fees: $55 one class, $95 two classes, $130 All Classes, Juniors Half Price Prizes: Trophies for the "Dirty Dozen" (one entry per shooter), Top Junior overall, Small Group and High Scoring Target each Class Saturday Trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, Small Group and High Scoring Target, Top Junior Sunday. 2 day Agg Trophies for CF/RF combined score (highest CF score used where both classes shot Saturday) The Fly Shoot will be run in accordance with the SSAA National Fly Rulebook Camping: $10 per night per person. Amenities provided. Catering both days by the Gungahlin Lions Club Nominations and enquiries to actflyshoot@hotmail.com or by phone to Dave Groves on 0412 118 135 SSAA Majura Range does not presently allow .338 Lapua and larger calibres, if you have questions about your rifles use, please contact Dave. Cheers. Dave Groves |
Hello Dave it will be great to come down from Mackay and have a shoot with you in Canberra -- there will be two more shooters coming down from here to shoot -- it will be great to catch up with all the Fly shooting crew again - and I do hope that Canberra gives us some good shooting weather with no rain or big winds
catch up with you at the range john mc quire ![]()
Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT
In reply to this post by Dave Groves
Hi Dave ,
Count me in for both days ! its about time I had a crack at the rimfire ! I believe there may be another couple of members from Brisbane coming as well . I will be in touch . Vince |
Thanks Gents, looking forward to seeing you all here in Canberra.
As of this evening I have 32 registered shooters taking up 45 slots on Saturday and 24 slots on Sunday in the Rimfire. Vince, one class or two on Saturday mate? Cheers Dave. |
Hi Dave whats the chance of seeing a list of the shooters who have nominated and what they are going to shoot in
it will be good to catch up with every one again john mc ![]()
Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT
G'day John,
Lucky for you I have been going to do this, just brought it forward a few nights. Here's the list of shooters and classes so far. Anthony Bending LG HG Anthony Hall LG HG RF Barry Tucker LG HG RF Ben Ferrara HG Bob Mulder LG Bob Wright LG HG RF Brad Gooley RF Brett Lloyd LG Brian Taylor HG Chris Parry LG RF Chris Rigby HG Dan Taylor LG Dave Groves HG RF Dave Waters HG David Goodridge LG David Westman LG RF Fred Blacker LG HG RF Geoff Perdon LG HG Grant Groves LG HG RF Greg Chapman LG HG Ian Elliott LG HG RF Jack Lipko LG HG RF Jessica Taylor LG Jim Lyall LG HG RF Jodi Travis LG RF John Lavaring LG RF John McQuire LG HG RF Keith Dowel LG HG RF Ken Perrin LG HG RF Les Fraser LG HG RF Lewis Akesson HG Luke Easter LG HG RF Malcolm Wright LG HG Mariette Rigby LG Matt Paroz LG Max Coady LG RF Michael Bell LG HG RF Michael Burbidge LG RF Michael Singleton LG HG Mick Easton LG Nick Aagren LG HG RF Paul Krebs HG Peter Cross LG HG RF Peter McDonald LG Peter Merriman HG RF Piers Cambridge HG Richard Bailey HG Rob Bernard LG HG RF Rob Eager LG Russ Stone LG RF Russell LeMaitre LG RF Scott Newport LG HG Sean Little LG HG Stella Cross JR LG HG RF Stuart Thomson HG RF Sue Dowel RF Tim Pavey LG HG RF Tony Weston HG Tyson Trotter LG HG Vince Vaina LG HG RF Thus far 60 shooters have registered for the two days, 84 spots filled Saturday and 32 Sunday. We still have room for about another 16 spots for Saturday, I can press some extra frames and benches into use if need be, and we are going to try and run 20 targets Sunday so that we can run only two details, as long as that works in with share requests for rifles. There are a few sharing their rimfires and that is great of them to do so, it gives others the opportunity to participate in the fun. Cheers. Dave. |
Hi All,
I’ve just gotten off the phone with Stuart Elliott of BRT discussing prizes for the BRT Federal Cup. Major prize in the lucky prize draw will be a Forster Co-Ax reloading press, drawn from the hat at the end of the presentations. Be in it to win it! There will be approximately 15 - 20 other items on the prize table Saturday. There will be a smaller lucky prize draw Sunday after the Rimfire shoot with predominantly Rimfire stuff on the table. Looking forward to seeing you all. Cheers. Dave. |
Hi Dave,
You will have to excuse my ignorance, from what I recall there are no permanent frames in Canberra except the ones at 500m. Will the 200 yd frames be up on Friday for practice or do they get in the way of the 500m targets ? Thanks Peter |
Hi Peter, the 200yd frames line up with the 500m target line unfortunately so there is a good chance of flag damage if the frames are in place Friday which is what happened last time. We might be able to accommodate Rimfire at the extreme right end of the range and not line up with peoples flags for Saturday but no guarantees.
Cheers. Dave |
Hi Dave
Any chance of getting a list of the bench draws. |
Hi Dave & All,
Please accept my apologies for this event....Ryan's team had a great weekend of cricket and are through to the Grand Final Next weekend..... I will be there instead. I will send the Light Gun Trophy up with someone else from the Bay to be presented again....... I will miss it :) See you all in Wagga a couple of weeks later.... Cheers Anthony |
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