Exciting news re wagga range

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Exciting news re wagga range

chappo (Greg Chapman)
Hi to all fwllow fly shooters.
Just thought you would all like to know we now have permanent power at the Wagga range thanks to a new solar and battery system. This will make our shoots better and our accomodation more user friendly.

Look forward to seeing you all at our next fly shoot.

"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen
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Re: Exciting news re wagga range

Michael Bell
Well done to all you guys at Wagga….must say the generator did the job but it was a noisy mother!!
Michael Bell
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Re: Exciting news re wagga range

Les Fraser
In reply to this post by chappo (Greg Chapman)
Well done chappo and the gang a real treat to stay there and now with power will make it that much more enjoyable. Wagga is one of the premier events on the calendar and should be highly supported when events are on.

cheers see you soon

shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........