Gear Reviews

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Gear Reviews

Les Fraser
I will be posting reviews on gear on this post, what i hope to achieve is to give everyone a true appraisal of items for reloading and other equipment for outside sports.

Often we see equipment and purchase it with out a true review first on how it actually worked for people.

I recently have purchased a couple of pairs of Byfeild Sunglasses specifically for the outdoors due to having very very light sensative eye's. These Sunglass not only exceeded my expectations but they are tough as when it comes to everyday use.

Depending on feedback from shooters is to whether we put a page up on the site that deals with all sorts of kit but only stuff that we actually use and are of benefit.

Please post your thoughts on here and let me know if this is what you would like.

shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Gear Reviews

Anthony Hall
Yeah, bring it on I say.  Good or bad....

If you have an opinion on a product, and the experience / results (like Les does) to validate such opinions it is great content for the web site.

Maybe you can save someone spending their hard earned on crap, or point out some great products that work well. and are worth the money.


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Re: Gear Reviews

Les Fraser
just to keep this thread going i will be putting up a page for gear reviews i have had some positive feedback and i will post photographs as well as a brief about what the piece of kit does and how well it did it.

If you have a photo and wish to contribute with an article then please email me and i will put it up on here.

cheers and good shooting to all
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Gear Reviews

Peter Merriman
In reply to this post by Les Fraser
Hi Les,

I am interested in hearing about the front rest's that are used buy the 500 Fly shooters.
I have the Caldwell Benchrest front rest and it is a good entry level rest but if I want to get serious I will eventually want a top end rest.
I have seen the SEB and Farley rests and would like to get some opinions on the pros and cons for the different models.

Many thanks  

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Re: Gear Reviews

Michael Bell
Hi Peter,
I used a Caldwell Fire Control front rest for my 1st few shooting seasons and for the money it was great. I replaced the original bag with a hand made leather one made by a local was a good move but it needed a lot of lubricant to help the rifle slide. It let me down twice in identical fashion. With about 20 seconds left to shoot  the rest collapsed leaving me no time to get reset to put my final shot down. Truth is it was my fault because all I needed to do was tension the screws properly and it would have been fine.
In any case I've upgraded to a SEB which has given me no trouble at all and is a joy to use. I should point out that no rest will make the bullet fly straighter but compared to the Caldwell, the SEB certainly allows me to be more efficient during the relay.
MIchael Bell
Michael Bell
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Re: Gear Reviews - cleaning rod

Peter Merriman
In reply to this post by Les Fraser
Hi all

I am looking for a stainless steel cleaning rod for a 6BR. I have been using a Dewey 44 inch but when I use the possum bore guide the rod is not long enough to push the patches out of the 29.5 inch barrel.

Most sell  up to 44 inch to fit the 6mm but it is the length that i have the trouble with
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Ideally a
One piece stainless in 48 to 50 inch would be handy.

Thanks Peter
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Re: Gear Reviews - cleaning rod

Anthony Hall
Hi Peter,

Email PVM and ask him to bring one to our shoot at Batemans Bay for you..... he has them in stock and I am sure the length will not be an issue.

