Hall Of Fame for fly shooters

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Hall Of Fame for fly shooters

Les Fraser
Hi all i would like to commence a discussion on the concept of commencing a Hall Of Fame for 500m fly shooters. We have a National event each year and i believe that we should be raising this issue up for consideration.

If Max Coady would like to chime in with current method for short range Points etc that would good and we can go from there. It will be a great Opportunity to achieve another level of recognition for National Event winners.

what are you thoughts on this proposal.

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Hall Of Fame for fly shooters

Deane Thrower

I think it's a fantastic idea. Fly shooting has really taken off and potentially having your name put up as recognition for your efforts is huge. I am sure that HOF1 position will be really chased after.

It's great to see new ideas thrown around and seeing the sport really moving forward.

Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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Re: Hall Of Fame for fly shooters

Jason Rushton
In reply to this post by Les Fraser
+1 from me on HOF points, another great incentive for competitors to improve there game and receive a little more recognition for there efforts.


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Re: Hall Of Fame for fly shooters

max coady
In reply to this post by Les Fraser
I don't handle hall of fame shooters, if you get in touch with Rob Carnel, he handles all of these.
He will let you know how the short range Group shooter do this, and how many points they need,
I know you can only get points at a Nationals, once a year.
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Re: Hall Of Fame for fly shooters

Les Fraser
Hi points for the Hall Of Fame are
1 point for a yardage
2 points for an aggregate

So the way i think it would run would be if you won LG you would get 1 point and HG 1 point and if you were the overall winner you would get 2 points.

Points are only issued at Nationals and given we have had nationals running for some time the points would be back dated to the commencement of a National Event.

Anthony i know has alot of data surrounding this event so it won't be that difficult to work out.

Will keep you all informed of the progress.
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Hall Of Fame for fly shooters

Anthony Hall

The Hall of Fame should be hard to achieve and take consistency for some time to get there, but by the same token it will die if in 20 years there are only 2 people that make it !!

As points can only be earned once a year at the nationals, there needs to be more points on the table each year, short range has something like 3 yardages and 2-3 clases in each one.....

What about 2 points for a class win & 1 point for second, 2 points for the outright win and 1 point for second.  The theoretical maximum if you win both classes would be 6 points. If you shoot one rifle the maximum you can earn is 4 points.

You could potentially add a point for smallest group and or best target of the day as well ?  Not sure about this one.

I am sure there are other methods, but just remember that we need to make it achievable with effort.


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Re: Hall Of Fame for fly shooters

Les Fraser
yep i agree but only points for LG and HG and grand AGG smallest group highest target are not earned over the whole day rather luck of the draw mostly.

I also agree they must be achievable in a reasonable amount of time too.

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Hall Of Fame for fly shooters

Les Fraser
I would like to get this thread back up and running as it is equally important to recognize those who have achieved so much in this very difficult discipline.

I think Anthony has a point and that is to have a system that is achievable so i like the idea of the following awards system.

2 points for class win, 1 point for second

2 points for overall win with 1 point for second.

with a maximum points to achieve a HOF number being 12 points same as short range.

These points are only to be awarded at Nationals so only once per year.

On this basis our stats man Anthony should be able to come up with an up to date points list for us all.

I will contact Rob Carnell who runs benchrest bulletin and does a great job of it and see what we need to do to formalize it.

will keep you posted

cheers to all Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........