Hilltop Fly registration open

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Hilltop Fly registration open

Fred Blacker
The Southern Highlands Regional Shooting Complex SSAA Fly Shoot, hosted by SSAA NSW is returning for 2022 on 28th & 29th May 2022.

Saturday 28th May will be the 500 metres Fly with Light Gun & Heavy Gun.

Sunday 29th May will be the 200 yards Fly with Rimfire.

Friday 27th May will be a practice day & opportunity to set up range flags.

Fly patches and medals will be provided.

All competitors must be current members of SSAA.

Interest is high, get your registration in to secure your place and be part of this great event.

You can register for the event here;

Please note that the 500m range will be closed to all other activity on these days.

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Current entrants for Hilltop

Fred Blacker
Hi all. Please find attached the current list of entrants for the Hilltop fly  (As at 3pm Friday 13th May).
If you think you have entered and are not on the list please let me know. Still plenty of time to get your entries in.

A couple of other notes.

Flag set up will be allowed on Saturday and Sunday morning provided everyone is back off the range by 9:15am.

The road into the range is a couple of km's of dirt. After the recent weather we have had the road isn't in the best shape. Please drive carefully. (I wouldn't recommend bring any lowered vehicles.)

Look forward to having everyone there. It will be a great weekend.


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Re: Hilltop Fly registration open

Rod Davies
In reply to this post by Fred Blacker
Who do we contact to check a friend is listed as sharing a bench with me? It was a late request?
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Re: Hilltop Fly registration open

Fred Blacker
Hi who was it with? As long as they filled the online registration properly it should be there. But i will pick it up when I do the bench draw tomorrow if you give me the details.
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Re: Hilltop Fly registration open

Rod Davies
James Caleja