Most popular light gun chambering

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Most popular light gun chambering

Ross Waugh
Hi All.  New to the forum and fly shooting.  Could I have your idea of the better performing chamberings in the light gun class.

Thanks in advance  
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Re: Most popular light gun chambering

Anthony Hall
Hi Mate,

Welcome to the forum...

If you could please change your name to your real name , or at least one name and an initial if you don't want to use your full name that would be great, forum rules and all that.

The most popular /successful chamberings in light gun by far are the 6BR and derivatives  (6BR, 6BRX,  6 Dasher etc) shooting 103-108grain projectiles.  There are plenty of others.... but these make their way to the podium at virtually every shoot.


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Re: Most popular light gun chambering

Ross Waugh
Thanks Anthony.  I will change that log on name.  I registered before I read the rules which is typical of me.  Could you advise me how to change the name and upload a photo.

Regards Ross
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Re: Most popular light gun chambering

Anthony Hall
Hi Mate,

It is really easy.  Just click on your name (RTW) in the top right hand corner of the blue forum screen and choose account settings.  You can change your personal information (including user name) and there is also options for insert picture etc.


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Re: Most popular light gun chambering

Ross Waugh
Thanks Anthony.
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Re: Most popular light gun chambering

Deane Thrower
In reply to this post by Ross Waugh
Hi Ross,

Welcome to the forum mate. Anthony has hit the nail on the head with 6mmBR and associated wildcats. For what reason they are the most common is simple, they work and are easy to this I mean light recoil and forgiving at the bench.

I would recommend coming to a shoot and have a try of some of our rifles, most guys are more than happy to offer a few shots as we all usually have a fe rounds left over. I think it's the best way to get a feel for the sport.


Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!