A big thank you to all who attended. All I did was get a range ready & push the point of shootin' at WRSC.
The regular Fly shooters did the rest, instruction on setup, target labeling & changes, scoring (it is easier than I thought, will need some gauges though), worry wall or somthing similar & protest fees

. Target change over, general advice & helping out with lunch cooking, etc. A good bunch of blokes - in no particular order
Tim, Les, Dan, Glen & Ken.
Note: Dan is "sort of" ex-silhouette & I'm also" sort of" ex CSD, we have both spent + many years shootin' our disciplines but did learn a lot over the weekend regarding the Fly.
Got a laptop to use for when we get more than 5 shooters

, will sort out the MP3 player for timing calls, it'll save me from whatching the clock & I can go & get a 'cup of tea'

I hope to make it to a recognised Fly shoot next year (depends on my available $'s with work) & schedule at least one at WRSC for 200yd Rimfire & 300m Custom/Factory. Will need to see the Fly calendar first, so it does not clash with the regular established shoots.
Tim, regarding the "minor malfunction" I did say I have the cordless anglegrinder & a hammer

, also carry the tool kit.