NSW Representation

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NSW Representation

Anthony Hall
Hi All,

Given the recent threads, it think it is time we directly approached SSAA NSW and requested a formal meeting of  NSW Benchrest shooters to clarify NSW Benchrest sub committee representation and delegates and if required hold a formal vote for Delegates.

I am unable to find a procedural constitution or terms of reference paper for this committee outlining the procedure to call a special or member requested meeting, so I would simply propose that I raise it as a member myself, seconded by another member with a list of NSW members that are in agreement with such a meeting and request the NSW chairperson to call such a meeting within say the next 28 days.

It would be up to the chairperson, but I would assume that the meeting would be in Silverdale or another Sydney location.  I would of course be happy to host the meeting at Batemans Bay, but I doubt that would suit the chairperson or the short range benchrest community.

Who would support such a meeting ?

Who would make an effort to attend ?

If I can have a seconder and a list of names supporting, I will write a letter to the chairperson.


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Re: NSW Representation

chappo (Greg Chapman)
I would support the motion. attending Sydney would be hard for me. Can we postal vote or vote at local level?
"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen
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Re: NSW Representation

Deane Thrower

As I work away it would depend on if I was home or not, but if home I will be there for sure, as should every other NSW member who cares about the survival of Fly Shooting.


Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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Re: NSW Representation

Anthony Hall
Not sure about postal votes, I doubt that would be allowed for in the current environment, but we can ask if and when such a meeting gets called.

I guess all I really need is names of people who support this process and who would/will attend if possible.

I have also had several offers of support sent to me directly via email by people who don't post on the forum, but read it.  Either way is fine.


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Re: NSW Representation

David Dundas
Hi Anthony

The Fly shooters at Silverdale would certainly be in attendance for any meeting.  In short we want more representation from actual shooters who shoot the Fly rather than people who have never shot the event.
The success of the event as it stands has been fantastic, possibly the only SSAA event which has increased its numbers so why muck with it.
The Rimfire Fly is the only regular (monthly) benchrest shooting event held at Silvrerdale and has been running for around 25 years, personally I have run it now for over 20 years - why muck around with the rules to remove Rimfire from State and National events?
We need Fly representation and we need it now!


Dave Dundas
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Re: NSW Representation

Nick Aagren
Hi Dave

The Rimfire Fly is being run at the 2017 Nationals it would be great if you and the Silverdale Rimfire Fly shooters could make it along.


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Re: NSW Representation

Les Fraser
In reply to this post by Anthony Hall
As I have said i will not stand by and let the best shooting sport i know just fall apart without resistance just for one person.

This sport is ours we shoot it and enjoy it and work tirelessly in pursuit of bettering our scores and enjoy each others company. I will certainly stand and be counted  for NSW without any representation and resistance  at Monarto SA this year rules would have already been put in  place that would have affected rimfire shooters, target sizes and other important issues.

The time is now it isn't next year at WA or in a months time, we need to make our position clear on the sport we enjoy....

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: NSW Representation

Andy Prowse
In reply to this post by Anthony Hall
I would very much support you raising the matter at State level.

I had no idea this was happening until Les mentioned it at the recent Mudgee shoot.

Fair trading and the constitutions at both State and Club level do allow for postal voting. Email responses can be used in meeting discussions, Fair Trading have updated the Act recently, (as far as I am aware).

I am new to this discipline but not new to the operations of SSAA. Thank you Stuart Elliot, I have never had the time to write it down & nut out the finer detail you have supplied, very well written.

I like Michael Bell's idea of a seperate discipline, which I expected it to be after I looked in "the Fly"  in the early 1990's then spent 15+years away but found on recent investigation, according to the rules, it was included in with the short range stuff. I got a shock when I found the rule book must be read in three different sections & you have to refer back & forward to find an answer.

I used to shoot Military Pistol & Military Rifle, both were "renamed & added together" to form Combined Services Discipline. Over two rule book updates, pistol & rifle were 'combined' & then the name changed (so as not to offend the politically sensitive).

Once we have the Fly as a distinct National Discipline the influence of the short range advocates will be removed.

I probably could not attend any meeting at Silverdale but am sure (from reading other posts here) those who can would represent us properly.
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Re: NSW Representation

David Dundas
In reply to this post by Nick Aagren
Hi Nick

I have sent an email to all the Silverdale shooters that the Nationals are on in Vic after Easter. I now have the exact dates and will be rallying support to get as many as possible to attend. A bunch of us really enjoyed shooting in the ACT this year and no doubt the will enjoy shooting down in Melbourne.

