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Nesika Cup 2014

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Nesika Cup 2014

Pete van Meurs
Banned User
Hi all,

It's that time again. The Nesika Cup Fly shoot is scheduled for Saturday November 1st. It will be a stand alone one-day shoot as the over-crowding of the Eagle Park ranges on Sundays make it virtually impossible to run a 300 shoot. For 2015 I would ask if there is interest in such a match on the Friday. It would mean that inter-state shooters would need to leave a day earlier of course. Such a match would be all wrapped up by early afternoon leaving plenty of time to set out flags for Saturdays 500 match. In any case, as has become the custom, we will have the main range closed by 4.00PM to allow us to set up our flags.

Please advise of your intention to enter either on this forum or by email to <petevanmeurs@bigpond.com> or by phone/text on 0408522420. There will be two details only and entry fees are $50 for one class or $90 for both classes.
Sign-in and payment of entries will be at the benchrest hut.

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Re: Nesika Cup 2014

Anthony Hall
Hi Pete,

Unfortunately I have conflicting work commitments (Mazda2 launch) that weekend and will be unable to attend.  

I will get there for at least one, hopefully both of your shoots next year.  

I would be interested in some form of a shoot Friday, particularly if it were a shorter and more social shoot starting at lunch time....... ie a 3 target 300m match offering factory class for example.


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Re: Nesika Cup 2014

john mc quire
In reply to this post by Pete van Meurs
    Hello Peter  I would like to shoot  both  light and heavy gun at your shoot
                 it will be good to catch up with  all the southern shooters again
                                   john mc quire      
  Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT