Nesika Cup Fly Shoot

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Nesika Cup Fly Shoot

Pete van Meurs
Banned User
Hi All,

The Nesika Cup combined with the second leg of the Vic titles will be run on the "New" range at Eagle Park on Saturday November 7th. As we have this range to ourselves we have unfettered access for erection of wind flags to 300 metres (any additional flags between 300 and 500 will need to be placed after 5.00PM) on the Friday prior.

Nominations can be lodged on this forum, by email <> or by phone - 0408-522420.

I would like some expression of interest in a 300 'Mozzie' shoot on the Friday. This would be only a single detail with two targets each relay. Warmer and A then B & C followed by D & E.  All over in little more than 1 hour so the start time can be as late as 2 PM still leaving ample time for setting of 500 metre flags.

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Re: Nesika Cup Fly Shoot

Michael Bell
G'day Pete,
Put me down for both classes on the Saturday.

If there where sufficient numbers I,ll shoot the mossie  (probably have another crack at the donkey 30 brx).
A 2 o'clock start could work for me as I,m only 4 hours away.

Michael Bell
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Re: Nesika Cup Fly Shoot

Tim  Pavey
In reply to this post by Pete van Meurs
Hi Pete,
Put me down for both classes on the Saturday and I'll be in the the Mossie  shoot on Friday.
Would like to do some load testing Friday morning if possible
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Re: Nesika Cup Fly Shoot

Michael Bell
In reply to this post by Pete van Meurs
Hi Pete,
How are the numbers for the 300 on the Friday shaping up? Do you reckon we'll get a start?

Michael Bell
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Re: Nesika Cup Fly Shoot

Pete van Meurs
Banned User
The 300 is a definite.  It would be good to get it started a little earlier - say 1.00PM. Let me know your thoughts.
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Re: Nesika Cup Fly Shoot

Darren McNamara
In reply to this post by Pete van Meurs
Hello Pete
Put me down for the 300 on the Fri please

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Re: Nesika Cup Fly Shoot

Pete van Meurs
Banned User
In reply to this post by Pete van Meurs
Hi All,

A quick update. Yesterday we completed the temporary framework at 500 metres on the new range so all is in readiness for the shoot. We will have exclusive access for the Friday and Saturday  so that practice etc will be available for those wanting same.

The Mozzie shoot on Friday is scheduled to commence at 1.00PM rather than 2.00PM as suggested earlier. This will leave ample time to set flags for the 500 in the afternoon with the last ones beyond 300 having to be done after 5.00PM once the main range has closed for the day.

Bench draw will be available at the range from early on Friday.

A briefing will be held at about 8.15AM on Saturday with rifles being allowed to be brought to the line from 8.30AM. Firing to commence at 9.00AM.

Looking forward to a good match,  Pete.
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Re: Nesika Cup Fly Shoot

Anthony Hall
Hi Pete,

Sounds like a major step forward for Melbourne Bench Rest Club.... more flexibility.... Less chance of our flags getting shot up and the opportunity to progress the day more efficiently.

Should make for a much more enjoyable experience all round.

See you Friday afternoon some time.

