New Gun time and its all your fault

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New Gun time and its all your fault

Stuart Pethy
well the time has come for a new gun
and it all started at the fly nationals  just hated seeing all those custom guns around and me with my hybrid target/hunting gun haha and watching Chris on the bench with me shooting his 6BR and Dasher and Dean with his dasher next to me
the old weatherby vanguard does the job but I think I can do better with a custom one with tracking and set up and I'm sick of changing parts on the stock between hunting and target , the barrel changing doesn't faze me as it only takes a few seconds

so after lots of thought I have decided to build a 6BRX as I will mainly use it for fly but will also do the odd F class open where the extra speed will help
Dave Kerr will be building it for me and this is what I have ordered
Kelbly Stolle Panda F action in dual port
McMillan F class stock
 Krieger 1:7.5 twist barrel  looking at 30inch atm
Jewel trigger

 I did think hard about it and choices were 6BRX, dasher and 6.5x47, 7-08 but I wanted to stay with the 6mm as they are a accurate calibre and love my 6BR
from what I read there isn't much between the dasher and 6BRX in the way of performance and the dasher has slightly more neck
so i ended up going 6BRX as I can use all my 6BR dies and I will use my 243 die to size down to the case head  were the 6BR body die wont reach, will order a custom dies one day
 i went with 1:7.5 twist barrel to just make sure 105gr hybrids will be stabilized out to 1000y

so deposit is paid and now i play the waiting game for action, stock and barrel and build
and hope to be using it at the national next year but time will tell

so any tips you 6BRX and dasher guys can tell me i need to do :)
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Re: New Gun time and its all your fault

Anthony Hall
Hi Mate,

Great choice and I am sure you will make it work very well.

My only comment is that 1:8 twist easily stabilises the 103/105 projectiles out to 1000.... even from the slower 6BR... a BRX with 1:8 will do it easily. 30" is prefect, as long as you can make the 17lb weight class.

Have a look at Belly's article on hydro forming, you might find that worth while as well.



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Re: New Gun time and its all your fault

Deane Thrower

Sorry mate lol, but to be fair the same happened to me so we are all to blame to a certain degree (or so I tell my wife lol). You will love the new gun and certainly won't regret it. Not Ce choice in calibre also.

Plus side is I can now blame you for my next build lol lol

Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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Re: New Gun time and its all your fault

Stuart Pethy
In reply to this post by Anthony Hall
thanks guys
yeah Anthony i'm just going off the new berger twist rate calculator  for the 105gr Hybrids, as they have revised the BC and what twist rate you should use
 yes i have no trouble with my 1:8 but just to make sure i'm getting every bit out of it

as for weight class Jason's 6BR weighted 7.5kg at the nationals and mine will be the same as his (both 30inch barrel and same stock) but i will have the dual port panda and he has the single side panda so i'm thinking it will be a bit lighter but time will tell
looking at belly's article now

Deane look out mate i'm coming for ya hahaha
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Re: New Gun time and its all your fault

Michael Bell
In reply to this post by Stuart Pethy
Good on you Stuart….Go the BRX's!!
You won't be unhappy with your choice,of that I'm sure.

When you're up and running I'd be happy to discuss further your load development process although I reckon you can almost interchange Dasher & BRX info as the practical difference between the two is virtually zero, ( & there's plenty of load info available on Dashers ).

Not sure what you intend to do about forming cases…if the Hydro process seems too much too soon & your present BR barrel's over the hill I'd recommend you get Kerr to run the BRX reamer into your old barrel & re thread it if necessary to use as a fire forming barrel!

Keep us all posted with your progress.

Michael Bell
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Re: New Gun time and its all your fault

Stuart Pethy
cheers Belly
yeah i will get my 6BR barrel that i'm using now re-chambered (and threaded for new action) into BRX and i will be using that for fire forming duties i think
from what i have read 30gr of 2208 with .004 neck tension and jammed .020+ into lands is the go, i will shoot them at a club shoot i think so its not a complete waste of ammo haha
and been reading .135 freebore is the go, does this sound about right ,
i havent had a chance to see Dave yet to talk about it
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Re: New Gun time and its all your fault

Michael Bell
      Not sure about the freebore numbers as it depends on which projectile you intend to help the gunsmith out with a dummy round from which he can work.Just seat a projectile with  the boat tail / shank junction of the pill sitting just above the neck/ shoulder junction of the case...if, as an example, you use a 105 berger hybrid for this I know from experience the Copper Head 103's ( which are shorter in the bearing surface) can still be seated into the lands with some case neck to spare.  It's a bit of a juggling act because the BRX doesn't have a very long neck.
Best thing ....choose a projectile and stick with it.

This process might be a bit hard if you don't have any BRX cases.......I can send you a couple over that might not be exact to your reamer but should be close enough for this exercise!...Just let me know.

Michael Bell