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Evenin' blokes & shellas,
Windamere Regional Shooting Complex is available for practice & events. Please keep in mind that there are some "Standing Range Rules/Orders" which are in the not negotiable basket. We have a complex of five ranges, Shotgun, Silhouette, Range 1, Range 2 & Pistol. Situated 35km South of Mudgee to the West of the Castlereagh Highway (B55). I have been trying out the Fly target stuff for some time but never managed to get around to organising the holy grail of an actual "registered match". I still have about 20 or so of the 200m Rimfire Fly targets from way back & Lindsay has helped with the Wagga version for centrefire, I also got about 200 'official' 500m centrefire Fly targets from Peter V some time ago. We have tried a few practice shoots, generally about six of us have 'had a go' & managed to mostly get it right & sometimes even on the target & not a screamer group on the backer! This has been at 300m. To move to 500m we need to use the sillywet range which is up hill & recently managed to get the 500m Ram distance cut into the hill, instead of them being on the skyline & Barney J spitting chips............ Lindsay - well we got him to a range & then stirred him up a bit, so now he goes to shoots. Him & I have had some disscussions over the last year or so & we now need to "test the concept" on range 2 (initally). As the Hon. Secretary of the Trust which looks after the 10,000 acres & WRSC - also has to do the bluddy range calander, I will be putting in some 300m Fly shoots on range2 (to start with), so those who attend can offer suggestion, etc. I am basicly 'operating by my self' with no staff or any paid employees to acheive anything & those attending must be prepared to assist with range setup on the day. The WRSC does allow for over night stays & I have found that a 2 dayer is relaxing (only for those with the time). History of me: ran the local rimfire for seven years, then the military (now CSD) for eight years (includes about 5 State Titles) & now - seing I'm old & fat, have moved to the dark side & run the cerntrefire benchrest . email me if any interest. |
Hi Andy
Would love to see a Registered Fly match (Rimfire and Centrefire) at Mudgee. Targets are available from the SSAA office or from the printer in WA at about 87cents per target plus shipping for the propper yellow and red ones. My Fly shooters here in Sydney all help setup the target frames prior to every shoot and put them away when done. The Fly shooters have their own frames which are larger then the ordinary frames used daily. I would be happy to attend and assist in anyway possible and would only shoot the Rimfire so could assist more for the 500m shoot if needed. Post any questions on here and I am sure someone will be able to assist. Regards Dave Dundas |
In reply to this post by Andy Prowse
Andy welcome aboard and glad to see you got sorted out to be able to contribute to run a registered match there is criteria and also a preliminary match with a delegate at the event will be needed before you can run a registered fly match.
In saying that however you could run some 300 matches to generate and interest then move to a 500m match once you get used to it. I am happy to assist you with it and to help the Mudgee club give it a go. There is not a fly shooter in the country that doesn't want more matches or venues so i am very impressed you are considering the fly events. cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
I've been working towards a "fly" shoot for probably the last 15 years. I did the Rimfire for 7 years & wanted to try the longer range stuff but no-one was interested in 2000. I still have some 'black& white' 200m targets left, it is now 200yds I think (from the rule book) but WRSC is a metric range if a Rimfire Fly happens, it will be 200m.
The suggestion of a 200 rimfire & 300 centrefire Fly is now on board. I will have a look at the calander for 2016/17 & set some shoots in place (I will need to miss the "used dates" in the Fly circuit). Les, I do realise "we have to be inspected & cleared of lice/funny RO's & range practices before a "registered match" can be conducted. My first objective is to run some practice fly shoots for those who have ammo & barrels to burn and also sort out the bugs for conducting a (hold breath here) "registered match". I estimate it will be closer to November 2016 before a registered match could be run. The target frames we use will cater for the full sized 500mFly card, I do have probably 300 x Wagga versions & 2 packets of the "official 500m Fly" = ? I did not count them but the postage was expensive. Currently trying to sort the WRSC calander for the Combined Services Nats vs PRSC vs NSW State Titles - in 2016 & will post here my hopefully "non clashing" practice dates. I will schedule them for 2 days, Saturday set up & evening 'talk fest', etc. Sunday shoot the practice. I have found over the last 20+years that 1/2 the fun is the 'talk fest'.................. |
Hi Andy i am happy to assist you in running some fly matches and helping your club. The more fly events we have the better the sport will grow. The new calendar will be out shortly and then if you pick some dates for matches i am sure i can assist both in helping to run some matches or RO but that is your call.
Anyway looking forward to getting started. cheers and good luck Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
Hi Andy
The balck and white targets are fine for your warm up matches, they are cheap as they just use black ink on craft paper. The proper yellow and red targets are available from in WA at around 87 cents each plus shipping. ACS is the official supplier to the SSAA, there are many who have copied the targets but you want to have the proper target paper and dimensions being used for a registered match. Post the dates of any warm up matches and I will distribute to my other Fly shooting mates here in Sydney, if I have no committments then I too would love to come up to shoot and could assist as needed. Dave Dundas WSRC Club Captain |
In reply to this post by Andy Prowse
Great, another range holding Fly Shoots.
I look forward to seeing the Mudgee calendar when it comes out. |
Practice dates so far: basicly the third Sunday each month except when other scheduled club/state/national matchs have been booked.
Jan 17, Feb 21, Apr 17 for just the Sunday. Friday 13 May to Sunday 15 May = setup & practice, "local" comp on the Sunday (or as otherwise agreed on the weekend) Jun 19, Jul 17, Aug 21 just for the Sunday. Friday 14 October to Sunday 16 = setup & practice, etc.... local comp on the Sunday, etc....... Nov 20, Dec 18 & Jan 15 (2017) just for the Sunday. Some of "the Just Sunday" could be extended to include Saturday arvo, depending on demand & if I can get away to open the Complex about noon. web site for local calander is If we cannot use the range on the above dates, I will post here hopefully 14 days prior to the scheduled shoot date. |
Memory problems again, forgot to include range location details.
Windamere Regional Shooting Complex. Basicly 80km or so North of Lithgow on the Casltereagh Highway (B55), Complex is on the Western or left hand side if heading North, about 8km after Aarons Pass Road intersection. There is a rest area on the left (if heading North) about 1km from the Complex entrance. If you get to Mudgee, you have gone too far by around 35km, (if a weekender shoot) buy some beer & head back South to the range. ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() Jan 17th practice day. Tried a few practice targets, patched out used ones & on the second go, got something reasonable at 300m. Then did some windage adjustments. The two hits touching were 1st & 5th of the five shot string. .223 Savage Factory 12BTCSS, 69gn noslerHPBT & 28gn ADI2208. |
Just a reminder.
Next practice will be Sunday 21st February, range 2 at Windamere. No Fly shoot on the third Sunday in March due to Combined Services Discipline - City vs Country (17th shoot) on range 2. 17th April will be the next following 'practice' 300/200 Fly. If anyone has a problem with the photos of the test targets I posted, please let me know here. |
Test target from 21/2/16, the rest were "really not worth the powder" - gusty winds & mirage all day.
Practiced in 'the conditions' but still nothing better than 65mm extreme spread at 300m. .223rem federal brass, rem 7.5's 25 of 2208 & 69gn sierras. ![]() |
As mentioned earlier this year, we will be running a few practice shoots at Windamere Regional Complex.
MudgeeFly2016Round1.pdf |
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