Procal Canberra - Results

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Procal Canberra - Results

Anthony Hall
Hi All,

Another well run weekend of shooting in Canberra.... Well done to all the crew there, scoring, data entry, target crew & match running all went very well.  Full results are attached in the spreadsheet below.  SOTY and Equipment list will follow.


The weather was another story..... Wind, Dust and cold !!  It was certainly a weekend where heavy guns dominated !! Roy Gow proved to be the exception to the rule, winning heavy gun with a dasher... the rest of the top of the field were all heavy guns, in fact 8 of the top ten were HG.  

Almost everyone got hammered by the wind, with plenty of experienced shooters getting zero or single figure targets.  When you compare to the same event last year, with a similar number of competitors you needed 220 to make the top ten and the mid point in the field was 176, this year top ten was 144 and mid point in the field was 88 points !! Little River has lost its claim to the worst conditions of the last couple of years.

Roy Gow won Heavy Gun with 205.0, Anthony Hall came 2nd on 196.0 and Dave groves third on 171.0 Small group was Kevin Sloan at 3.035" and best target was Roy Gow with 52.0.

Les Fraser won Light Gun with 166.02, Matt Paroz on 148 came 2nd with Roy Gow 3rd on 136.  Small group was Roy Gow at 2.59 and best target was Matt Paroz with 47 points.

Well done to the winners and those that placed & good luck cleaning the dust out of all your gear !!


Anthony Hall
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Re: Procal Canberra - Results

Congratulations to the Canberra crew for a well run competition in, shall we say, interesting conditions.
I enjoyed it ; but then I was not shooting.
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Re: Procal Canberra - Results

Pete van Meurs
Banned User
In reply to this post by Anthony Hall
Hi all,

For those not aware of it - Roy Gow (junior shooter) shot his light class rifle in both classes and did so without any degree of coaching: that is to say it was all on his merits! He has certainly taken on board his early training from Barry Tucker and myself to the point where we can't beat him! This actually makes us both very proud and we look forward to competing with him again - although he is likely to flog us. He has that 6mm Dasher absolutely humming and he has a knack of knowing how to steer it. It behoves all of us more established competitors to try a bit harder to give him a 'hurry-up''.
