Further to the previous topic on this, I would like to move it forward. - Are you prepared to commit to being there ?
What I am proposing is for the weekend of Feb 23rd & 24th at the Batemans Bay Range. It would be a product, technique & equipment demonstration weekend. I would invite those professionals that have products to demonstrate and sell to bring them and do so. Equipment would cover such things as wind flags, rests & bags, presses, dies, scales, specialist tools, cleaning gear etc. There would be opportunity for several of the top competitors to demonstrate some gear and reloading techniques and offer advice and mentoring on what works for us and how we prepare & load for a match. The range would be open, so people could potentially do some load development work, bench technique work and practice also. If you bring your own dies, we could assist with this process. It would primarily focused on Benchrest / long range shooting, but would equally appeal to the varmint / tactical crowd as well. There would be a nominal charge to cover the ranges costs for running the weekend & I would need advance committment from people to scale the event to the number of participants. What I need to know, is who would commit to coming ? Please either reply on here, or email me at Cheers Anthony |
hi ANT ,,,ill cum if u wont me to,,,my flags r a bit different and hav changed them , so it will be a good test
i also hav a new barrel in my gun which i can put of and do the load development up there ,,i will also bring a shooter fore people to hav a go with while reading the flags,,,,,i will do all loading and prep up there so people can ask why and any questions about loading ,,,,,this will be very personal and dont be surprised if i pull the new barrel and throw it while up there,,lol anyway u can hav my 2 bobs worth if u like,,,cheers jacko,,,,,,,ps the loads will be fore my big 7mm |
In reply to this post by Anthony Hall
As you know mate i have been trying to get this weekend up and running for ages so now the date is set well done. As a guide i think that we should put up a brief idea of what will be on such as who is coming some gear that may be able to be obtained there etc.
I know that Peter Varly is definately coming and i will get two from Lyndhurst to come as well they are F class shooters but they will learn alot. I really do hope this gets off the ground. As always mate good work cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
In reply to this post by Anthony Hall
Hi Anthony.
i will be able to attend the training week end at Batemans Bay in February next year. thanks for the oportunity regards peter v |
It will be great to see you there Pete i hope this information weekend helps everyone and bring along all the questions you can muster someone will have an informed response for you. Great to see you on the site put some posts up on any topic you like and someone will give you a resonable response. This forum allows poeple to have thier opinion aired without folks having shots at them behind pretend names.
Keep up the good shooting mate and talk to you on here cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
In reply to this post by Anthony Hall
Hi Anthony,
I spoke to Peter V . today regarding the weekend in Feb. Please add my name to the list of attendees. Thanks Russ |
Hi Russ,
Great to hear mate. Have had quite a few positive responses, so it should be a good weekend. Cheers Anthony |
to make this weekend work for everyone would you like to post items that may interest you personally. I guess everyone will be at different stages with their shooting standard so to give an idea of what you would like to know it would be good to post here that way everyone knows what to expect .
cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
In reply to this post by Les Fraser
Thanks Les,
i'm new to this but next year hope to get out and about to get some experience. Looking forward to the February Technique & Equipment weekend hope to catch up Peter |
HI Everybody,
I have several confirmed participants & a few people prepared to come along and demonstrate their techniques and assist with advancing equipment and skills. I am now pleased to confirm that we will have Pete VanMeurs of Procal along. Pete will be offering a large range of equipment from his stock at heavily reduced prices (tumblers, presses, powder dispensers, projectiles etc) as well as offering people the chance to pre order quality reloading gear and be shown how to set it up and use it.... Lets all get behind this weekend and make it a success !! Cheers Anthony |
I'll be there!! Wouldn't miss such an opportunity to look & learn & talk....
Michael Bell
Hi Anthony, I am rostered on shift but will apply for Rec Leave and will confirm if they will give me leave. It's about time I learnt about what I'm trying to do! (:-))
Mark |
My leave has been approved Anthony so I would be very interested in attending the weekend.
Hi Mark,
That's great, I also have had several others confirm their attendance. I would love to hear from some others and we will start working out a programme & make it all happen. Cheers Anthony |
In reply to this post by Anthony Hall
Hi All,
Lee-Anne and I have finally commited ourselves to attending the weekend! Accomodation is booked and various arrangements made. Over and above the general theme of the two days I will be conducting a training seminar for any who wish to sit-in. All who wish to should bring their rifle, ammo and other gear as I intend to combine classroom theory with practical application. The format will be the same for both days so those who can only make it for one day will not miss out on anything. This seminar will be free of charge. The only costs you will incur is a range fee and food/refreshments plus any item you may opt to purchase from our 'shop' on the day. If you have known requirements please let me know beforehand so I can be sure to have it on board. The day would run roughly as follows - 8.00AM Set up flags and targets etc. 9.00 Discussion re flag reading/interpretation, seating and setting up front and rear rests. 10.00 On the firing line to set up and shoot at about 200 to prove your rifles' accuracy and basic flag reading. Midday Lunch break and further discussion/demonstrations. We will also look at cleaning procedures. 1.30PM Firing line to shoot at 500. A rail gun will be set up to help highlight wind effects. 3.00 Discussion and demo of ammo prep and reloading and perhaps more on cleaning. 4.30 Finish I will have my target cameras in operation so that we will not be overly bothered by mirage. Feel free to pose any questions you might have on this forum prior to the weekend. Pete |
Hi Pete,
That's fantastic mate.... interest seems to be good, hopefully we will have plenty of people come along for the weekend. There will be plenty of reloading gear set up and several of the leading shooters there to offer advice and help people with whatever they want to learn or see. Please come along, and encourage other that you know to come also. Cheers Anthony |
Excited about next weekend, will bring the TRG .338lm and some rounds after reading Peter's message. Have a mate who lives in town so will bunk at his place. I haven't been to the Bay's range before, where is it please? Google isn't being very helpful.
![]() Kind regards. Mark |
HI Mark,
The range is fairly easy to find..... From Batemans Bay, head south down the Princes Hwy (towards Mogo/Moruya) and a couple of kms out you will see "Eurobodalla Bodannic Gardens" - Deep Creek Dam turn off on eht left, go just past this and turn right into SSAA road and follow that about 500m in and you are there. Any problems, call me on my mobile - 0418 406698. Unfortunately, out range approval specifies 30cal maximum....... so you won't be able to shoot the 338lm, you are welcome to bring it discuss reloads etc, but you won't be able to fire it....... sorry. Cheers Anthony |
Bugger! That is such a dissappointment..
I have loaded for and preped the TRG for the weekend. Without a rifle and rounds I'll be like a shag on a rock watching everyone else sighting and testing their firearms for the weekend. We'll make other arrangements for the weekend if I can't shoot down there. Please excuse me from this exercise. Kind regards. Mark |
HI Mate,
I understand your dissapointment and wish we could acommodate..... but range approval is law, we have no choice. You are still very welcome to come and there will be rifles and rounds available for you to have a shoot if you want to anyway. Cheers Anthony |
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