Hello all,
I hope everyone is staying safe and keeping well.
Just after a general consensus regarding brass, not interested in rechambering at the present time(Mrs will kill me

Generally I have always used Lapua brass in all my rifles due to consistency and due to another recent acquisition that included LG & HG barrels in 6PPC I am now looking at getting some cases as I already have Redding dies sitting there waiting.
Since Lapua haven't made them for a while would I be better off to .....
1. Buy 100 cases of Lapua 220 Russian and fireform
2. As above but get hydroformed
3. Buy 100 cases of Norma in 6PPC
The reason I'm asking is because in the past I have heard some bad reviews regarding Norma brass splitting/separating after only 1 or 2 firings using only low to moderate loads

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers Stuey