Hi all, just a quick update re Wagga range. A million trillion tonnes of dirt has been moved so far. We have installed eyebrow and full length baffles. The baffles are being filled with blue metal this weekend. 70CM of sand has been delivered and is being put into sandbags this weekend as well to act as retaining wall at each of the stop buts to hold the soft sand up the slope of the butts. The 200 mound is now HIGHER than the 300m targets used to be.
We have a range inspection coming up on the 3rd of April. All going well we will hope to be open for 50/100/200 benchrest by the weekend of the 5th April. 300 and 500 as well as silly wets and field rifle are still some ways off yet, barring me getting next weeks powerball numbers correct.
There are other things happening that are still in the fluid stage yet. When we know I will try and keep you all updated. Anyway happing shooting.
"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen