advertising on web pages

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advertising on web pages

Stuart Pethy
Have I missed something. ? The forum has advertising on the web pages.. crap keeps popping up and takes longer to load stuff now,, its annoying or is it just me ?
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Re: advertising on web pages

Les Fraser
hi mate as this forum is not exclusive you have to just put up with pop ups. otherwise the forum would be to expensive to run most just close down the window bar and ignore them.
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: advertising on web pages

Anthony Hall
In reply to this post by Stuart Pethy
Hi Mate,

Part of the joys of using a free Forum (Nabble).

You can elect to pay $3.95 per month and have all advertising removed.  The option is at the bottom of the page if you want to use it, or just ignore the adds.  If you pay, the money goes to Nabble (not the fly web site).


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Re: advertising on web pages

Stuart Pethy
In reply to this post by Les Fraser
cheers guys
all good i was just wondering that's all, hadn't seen them before, didn't know if i just hadn't noticed them before or if they just started
the subway add got me must of accidentally clicked on it and took up my hole screen and i couldn't get rid of it hahah