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Hi Guys and Girls
found your web site about 6 months ago but I'm a bit slow to join up ![]() thought I'd jump on and introduce myself I'm from Perth WA but a country boy from Narrogin, I now work FIFO so it was easier to base myself there. I got into fly shooting a few years ago at Perth field Rifle club but they only have a 400m range but I was hooked I now also shoot at Perth Rifle Metallic Silhouette Club (PRMSC) as they have a shoot every 2nd weekend and a 500m range I started with my weatherby vanguard 243 and quickly learned it need a few upgrades as it was just my hunting rig for the farm over the next few years I changed scopes, barrels, triggers etc and ended up with a gun the did alright, could do 2" groups when I did my bit but highest score was only 205.2, (I'm still learning to read wind, gets me every time) after a year I had worn out the 243 barrel and decided a change was needed, I went and saw Dave Kerr here in WA and got a 30" 1;8 twist Krieger fitted in 6BR I did some load testing and up using 29.5gr of reloader 15 with my 105gr berger hunting vlds I seated them .010 jam into the lands and went off to my 1st fly shoot with the 6BR turned out to be a great day with my 1st win with a score of 225.4, my best group of 1.9", my best round of 55.2 I was a happy boy but since then I have done 2 other shoots and the wind and mirage has killed me and something I really need to work on another problem was I hadn't had time to finish my load testing, as the FIFO work and the renos we are doing on our house have kept me busy, but I got out last week and found my .010 jam wasn't the best seating position got great results with .050 and .020 jump with my bergers . I have made up a few and will test at the next fly shoot this weekend and decide which one I will use just a pic of my set up weatherby vanguard 6BR, XLR Industries chassis, Nightforce NSX 12-42x56, Rifle basix WTHBY-V trigger, Krieger 30" 1;8 barrel, 29.5gr of RL 15 with 105gr Berger hunting vlds (have 1500 105gr Berger Hybrids coming to try out) ![]() I have started to look for a new front rest , the Bald Eagle Slingshot does a good job but a joystick one is what I'm after now after trying out my mates Farley, just wish Seb neo and Farley weren't so expensive hoping to get a few more tips and learn a heap more to make me a better shooter while I'm here ![]() |
Fly shooting can get pretty addictive pretty quick and all the extras soon add up. Hope to catch if you ever make it out the East coast for a fly shoot.
"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen
In reply to this post by Stuart Pethy
Hi Mate,
Welcome to the forum, there is plenty of info and good discussion on here from a lot of experienced fly shooters from this side of the country. 6BR and its derivatives are perfect for fly shooting..... maybe try 2208 as another good powder, projectiles around the 105 range are ideal, Bergers, Lapua, & Copperheads seem to be the pick of them these days. With the rest..... I know the Farley, Seb or JJ style rests are expensive.... but they are not as expensive as buying a middle of the road ($500-$600) rest and then replacing it with one of those down the track :) Buy right once.... its cheaper !! Cheers Anthony |
thanks fellas look forward to it
yeah I hear you about the cry once haha wish I learnt that years ago yeah I have some 2208 that I'm going to try also and see what shoots better but I have nearly 20lb of RL 15 sitting there so I'm in no hurry haha yeah I have noticed that its mainly east coaster on here and I would of thought there would of been a few more from the west coast cheers |
In reply to this post by chappo (Greg Chapman)
G'day Stuart,
Great to hear from you! I'm sure most of us East Coasters would be keen to understand more about 500 "fly" in the West. If you can score 225 with 4 "flys" on your first outing you are entitled to be happy! Obviously the scores reflect the conditions as Tyson Trotter has won a registered match in Melbourne with 120 or so points..(pretty rough day ).. while Les Fraser has a high score record of 284 the scores vary considerably. Usually, any score between 230 & 260 will win the day in average conditions. Love to see some pics next time you attend a 500 match...the range, target set ups etc etc. Also, don't be shy about posting results after you have your matches. How many shooters do you have attending?? Do you put out a full kit of wind flags?? How many matches do you have per year?? Who knows! One of us might be travelling in the west one day & feel the need to accommodate our addition!! Regards, Belly
Michael Bell
This post was updated on .
Hi Belly
nah that win was the 1st shoot I did with my new 6BR barrel, but been at it for about a year and a half now but was just using my 243 yeah Perth field rifle club has a great set up with 20 benches but it only has a 400m range, they have been talking about it going 500m for years but it hasn't happened yet because they need a sign off from government departments they also only do about 3 rounds as they usually have about 12-20 people turn up and only have 10 targets, so if there is 2 details then need to go out and collect the old targets and put new ones up for the second detail, but they change targets after each detail (they don't want to make anymore targets as they have new ones for when we go 500m) they can only run for so long before the range is to be used for other shooting, (the club does RF, CF, pistol and shot gun) they only hold about 6 shoots a years as RF & CF BR matches and RF & CF 3p etc are on other dates/times usually 3 different disciplines on sat and then again on sunday so time is limited where as the other club just next to us Perth Rifle Metal silhouette club has a 500m range but only 5 benches (looking at building more as its getting popular), but we can set up 20 targets if needed, we get anywhere from 5 to 20 people depending on whats going on but on average about 10, we start at 7.30am and finish about 10.30am as there are other disciplines on after it but we get a full rounds in the hold matches every 2nd weekend end all year round, so this is why I have also joined this club but they don't change targets, they do a running score and then patch the target and shoot again, yes so if anyone gets a record it wont count, if its a comp shoot they will change after each detail see my old 243 target as an example ![]() the comp there it getting tighter and tighter as everyone is getting better and the scores are getting higher but we are all enjoying it I need to find out if any other clubs in perth are shooting it as I would like to go along and check theirs out too the range at perth field rifle is slightly up hill but only 400m as you can see on their web site if you click on the calander you will see what I mean by shoots on what days, they try to keep everyone happy but perth metal silhouette has mounds at 100m 200m 300m and the wind plays havoc there (I will get a few pic next time I'm there) at both you can use your own flags if you have them and set them up , other than that there is only the red shooting flags and not much else, I don't have any flags but a few of us will be making some up soon. |
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