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Paul D
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Re: wagga

Anthony Hall
Hi Paul,

Last I heard, they were slightly confident of getting things going out to 300 again.... and possibly even getting approval to close the national park for one or two events a year to shoot out to 500.

But in reality, I don't think anybody knows for sure until there is formal approval from National Parks and FAR.....

Would be good to hear an update from someone at Wagga.....


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Re: wagga

Michael Bell
G'day Paul,
As I understand it the Wagga committee are currently going thru the process of having the range surveyed to work out drop zones etc. They will then have  plans for a  baffling system & possibly a concrete wall arrangement at the rear of the 500 meter targets.
These plans will then be submitted to Firearms for their consideration & approval (hopefully).
Michael Bell
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Re: wagga

chappo (Greg Chapman)
Belly has it pretty well spot on.  Range has been surveyed. Plans are being drawn up to show our intended re designs. Long term and expensive but we are not giving in or giving up.
"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen
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Re: wagga

Rod Davies
In reply to this post by Paul D
Good luck with it all. I would like to get out there for a shoot and drag a pile of mates along for the trip.
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Re: wagga

Les Fraser
In reply to this post by chappo (Greg Chapman)
hi Chappo Lyndhurst rifle club is also under fire for the fall out zones. who are you getting to do the surveying etc and where did you get the information on the baffling of the range.

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........