which colour,.. Pimp My Gatt

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which colour,.. Pimp My Gatt

Paul D
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Re: which colour,.. Pimp My Gatt

Anthony Hall
Hi Paul,

Great topic and one that is under rated !!  Ugly rifles just don't seem to shoot well..... just like dirty cars don't feel as nice to drive... and ugly wom...let's leave that one unfinished....

As much as people say they don't care, we all do.... Like you say there are thousands of dollars invested in custom actions scopes, mounts and rests, but the stock is the most visible part. Whether it be afrikin pink thing, a funny shape thing with a shovel handle on the rear, or a nice bit of polished timber, it is a good talking point.

Do you have a photo of your handiwork ? Add it to your post, or email it to me and I will put it up for you.


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Re: which colour,.. Pimp My Gatt

Michael Bell
Ah yes!,...which colour indeed?
It certainly gives you a sense of pride to turn up with a nicely finished bit of kit....but a word of warning.... Choose your finish carefully or you just might up with every colour blind shooter on the line poking a sharp stick in your back ,challenging your manhood or  casting doubt on your sexual preferences.
If you're sensitive to some friendly banter then perhaps African Violet is a colour to avoid!!
Michael Bell
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Re: which colour,.. Pimp My Gatt

john mc quire
   Mr Bell    PINK is  not African Violet  
                    you may have to get your glasses changed
                  but who cares anyway  it does the job for you
                       regards   john mc
  Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT
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Re: which colour,.. Pimp My Gatt

Rod Davies
In reply to this post by Paul D
I think if you use a fairly basic back ground colour, but add some murals, maybe an Australian flag theme, or maybe something like, bullets, medals, targets and bikini girls.  It seems there is every colour imaginable on the firing lines, but not many good murals or themes.
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Re: which colour,.. Pimp My Gatt

Les Fraser
In reply to this post by Paul D
Hi mate i believe you pimped one of my gats thanks for that i have another three for you. And what the hell let your creative juices run. what ever colour it is it will stay that way. Some idea's ??

shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: which colour,.. Pimp My Gatt

Les Fraser
In reply to this post by Paul D
after seeing the great results that you did Paul and having one of your paint jobs, your work is first class, if you can and i am sure big chris won't mind can you post a photo of his stock it is simply the best paint job i have seen on a rifle yet.
cheers and great work Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: which colour,.. Pimp My Gatt

Paul D
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Re: which colour,.. Pimp My Gatt

Michael Bell
Speaking of stock finishes....can't let this one go through to the keeper!!! Batemans Bay Last weekend.

John McQuire all the way from Townsville with a very colourful outfit. I did hear a comment from someone with a sharper wit than I say..." it's just as well there aren't any kids about or they'd be lining up to give it a lick!"
On ya John.
Michael Bell
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Re: which colour,.. Pimp My Gatt

john mc quire
  Nice photo Mr Bell    and you have started something  with the lolly-pop  licking story  -- quite a few other people think it would taste nice  --   I actually live in Mackay  about 400 km  south of Townsville  but do go up there to shoot  their  1000 yd  matches     --  it will be great to catch up with you and all the fly crew in Canberra next month   --  keep up all the great camera work               john Mc  Quire  
  Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT